Annotated Summary

Verbeke, W., Van Loo, E. J., & Sans, P. (2015). Challenges and prospects for consumer acceptance of cultured meat. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2015, 14(2), 285-294. Retrieved from

This article focuses on the factors that influenced the consumers’ perception and approval of cultured meat. The article also discussed extensively on the responses, doubts and enquiries by the consumers. Primary research was conducted in Flanders (Belgium) by the authors to examine consumers’ perception of cultured meat, the data was then collated and tabulated. Based on the study, 67% of participants were keen to give cultured meat a try if it is selling in the market, with 24% definite to give it a try. After information mentioning the negative environment impacts linking to the consumption of “traditional meat” was given, the statistic of the participants definite to try was increased to 43% and the participants who are probably trying out to increase to 51%. One notable point is that half of the participant who initially did not want to give a try have switched to probably trying out. Most of the consumers were revealed to be indecisive to try out cultured meat, while a small group were certain not to. With more information emphasising the positive impact linking to the consumption of cultured meat provided, the more likely consumers are willing to change. The study done by Verbeke et al. (2013), was directed to students, similarly, our project focus includes students studying at SIT@Dover. Despite the research study was done overseas, in Flanders (Belgium), it is able to provide us with useful information and statistic regarding consumers preception on cultured meat which is one of the prime focus of our project


  1. This is definitely great for our research project!


  2. Thank you very much, Amanda, for sharing this good summary of an academic journal paper. It has useful information that is relevant to the focus of your project, as you mention. Your in-text citing and reference listing are fine, too.
    There are, however, some minor language issues (see verb tenses). That being said, I appreciate your hard work. I'll give more specific feedback in class.

    1. Thank you for your comments. I will try my best to identify the language issues and rectify them soon.


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